When I feel like it, I put together a manageable-sized block of music - 30 to 60 minutes, that you could listen to on a walk, run or commute etc., that I think people might like, or hate, or at least find interesting. And I share it as a podcast, so you can listen to it from the widget in the blog, download it, or get your podcast app to download it automatically every time a new one appears.

See "about".

Monday, 30 March 2015

My Ears! 2015-03-30

Number three.
This one starts pretty raucous, stays that way for quite a while, then calms down until it's almost horizontal. And there's a joke at the end!
Strong and sustained swearing at one point. Have fun listening.
See track listing
  1. Countdown To Armageddon - Public Enemy    
  2. Daft Punk Is Playing At My House -LCD Soundsystem 
  3. A Song For The Dead - Queens of the Stone Age 
  4. Hard-On For War - Mudhoney   
  5. Don't Fuck With Roger (Live) - Roger
  6. If They Move, Kill 'Em - Primal Scream
  7. Gold Digger - The Automatic 
  8. Home - Disasterpeace (FEZ sountrack)
  9. Demons -Super Furry Animals  
  10. Paranoid Android - Sia 
  11. Jungle Tip-Leopard - Ivor Cutler 

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